Friday, March 28, 2025



    4:12 P







Posted by: Unknown Posted date: 6:05 PM / comment : 11

Many fans have asked about certain song or instrumental used in Ji Chang Wook’s current drama “Healer”. I myself enjoy the songs and instrumentals used in the drama so far and it’s Kpop-friendly since the drama uses some familiar Kpop songs. So I’ll try to compile them in a song list. I’ll update this list as new episodes air, so take note of the page and check it every week. If I’ve made any mistakes or left songs out, or if you want to help identify song/instrumental, I’ll gladly accept your help! You can leave comments here or send an email to us. Enjoy!

Episode 1

Sand Pebbles (센드페블즈) - “How Can I/What Should I Do” (나 어떡해) [truck chase scene] [listen]

Song Gol Mae (송골매) – “I Live and Play Without Knowing About the World” (세상 모르고 살았노라) [truck chase scene 2] [listen]

OST Part 1. Michael Learns To Rock – “Eternal Love” [Young Shin prepares to sleep] [listen]

Episode 2

OST Part 2. Yael Meyer – “When You Hold Me Tight” [Young Shin’s family intro] [listen]

Han Dae Soo (한대수) – “Please Give Me Some Water” (물좀주소) [Young Shin-Daddy dance] [listen]

Episode 3

TVXQ/DBSK (동방신기) – “Hug” (포옹) [Young Shin’s bedroom dance] [listen]

Episode 4

BEAST (비스트) – “Shock” [Dae Yong’s acrobat] [listen]

Christina Perri – “A Thousand Years” [Jung Hoo-Mom Patbingsoo Sharing] [listen]

Episode 5

Moon Myung Jin (문명진) - "Day By Day" (하루 하루) [Young Shin singing in the car] [listen]

Episode 9

OST Part 3. Tei (태이)- What Eyes Say (눈이 하는 말) [Snow Kiss] [listen]

Kim Hyun Shik (김현식) - "Alley" (골목길) [Young Shin's Dad's song #1, Young Shin singing on the stairs] [listen]

Kim Hyun Shik (김현식) - "Like Rain Like Music" (비처럼 음악처럼) [Young Shin's Dad's song #2] [listen]

Episode 10

OST Part 4. Ben (벤) BeBe Mignon - You [Rooftop Date] [listen]
Episode 11

Soyu (소유), JungGiGo(정기고) feat. Lil Boi of Geeks (긱스 릴보이) - 썸(Some) [Hacker ahjumma singing] [listen]

Episode 12

Shin Seung Hun (신승훈) – As The First Feeling (처음 그 느낌처럼) [Young Shin’s dance before the hug] [listen]

Episode 13

Bruno Mars – When I Was Your Man [Jung Hoo and his mother restaurant scene] [listen]

OST Part 5. Just (저스트) - Because of You (그대 때문에) [played in preview for next episode] [listen]

Episode 14
Libera - Ave Maria [beginning of the episode] [listen]

Episode 16
2NE1 - I Am The Best (내가 제일 잘 나가) [Ahjumma singing] [listen]

Episode 17

OST Part 6. Ji Chang Wook (지창욱) – I Will Protect You (지켜줄게) [Jung Hoo and Young Shin walk in the woods] [listen]

Yesterday “Healer” production team finally releases full album OST. The album is including instrumental songs and OST songs used in the drama. Here’s the track list:

Healer Track List

1. “Healer” Opening Score/Main Theme (2:36)
2. Eternal Love – Michael Learns To Rock (4:16)
3. When You Hold Me Tight – Yael Mayer (3:12)
4. What Your Eyes Say – Tei (3:36)
5. You – Ben (3:46)
6. Because of You – Just (4:09)
7. I’ll Protect You – Ji Chang Wook (4:10)
8. Silence (2:40)
9. Love and Pain (3:29)
10. Code Name: Healer (2:15)
11. Super Healer (2:09)
12. Reporter Kim Moon Ho (2:32)
13. Pass On By (3:15)
14. Embrace the World (3:59)
15. Jung-hu Love Theme (3:18)
16. To Battle (2:37)
17. Young-shin’s Dream (2:35)
18. You Love Me (2:08)
19. A Trace of Pain (2:58)
20. Hacking Route (1:43)
21. Healing Me (3:18)
22. Trouble (3:11)
23. Their Fate (3:05)
24. Eternal Memory (2:53)

Note: Ji Chang Wook’s manager, Cho Kyung Hee (rs7114) also posted a photo of “Healer” OST CD via his Instagram and Weibo. Few days ago the manager found that a Chinese site sells fake OST CD at much higher price than the original and it gave him concerns as he wrote that it’s not true. Hopefully with his recent update, fans will not buy the fake and buy the original OST CD instead. You can also buy the OST CD from YesAsia, eBay and several other sites.

About Unknown

Ji Chang wook's fan from Indonesia. Loves to talk about anything and everything, so if you want to chat with me, just contact me.
[NEWS] Ji Chang Wook dan Park Min Young Berbagi Skinship di tengah Krisis di “Healer”
Kisah Di Balik Adegan Action Ji Chang Wook di “Healer”


  1. just lovvveeeee ji chang wook he is the besttttttttttt

  2. Do you know the name of the song in episode 8 when CYS play and dance in front of SJH's camera testing? The old song is so lovely

    1. Just found, if you still need. Its 잊읍시다 by 송창식. Unfortunately I don't know, how to transcript it, but you can easily copy symbols to youtube search - its giving right result)))

    2. I love this song♡♡ I was searching it for a week and finally found

    3. Thank you soooo much! I have been looking EVERYWHERE to find out what song it was. Thank you!

  3. Ahhh thankyou so much for your share, you help me so much, i've been looking a song epsd of 13 so long time. And i found it because of you.once again thankyou so muchhhhhhhh

  4. Thank you so much for this!
    Does this include all of the songs that Ahjumma sings to herself! I have had such a difficult time tracking them all down....
    Thank you thank you thank you!

  5. Bg music when they enter as undercover reporters in the assembly taking a makeover

  6. Please tell what melody is playing in ep.2 4:35?

  7. Thank you so much, i was searching for the song in episode 12, before the hug, that scene was so beautiful, and that song was stuck in my head, the way Bongsu looks at Yongshin being silly and finds his home in her arms. This music for me, will always be the warm look of Bongsu, and his love for Youngshin, flowing out of him.
