





[NEWS] Ji Chang Wook Akhirnya Konfirm Drama tvN “K2”

Setelah menunggu selama kurang lebih 1 bulan akhirnya kita dapat konfirmasi bahwa Ji Chang Wook akan segera bermain di drama tvN “K2”!! Yeah akhirnyaa!!!

Agensi Ji Chang Wook, Glorious Entertainment, baru saja mengumumkan konfirmasi tersebut pagi ini tanggal 27 Juli. Ji Chang Wook telah memilih drama “K2” sebagai proyek selanjutnya dan akan segera melaksanakan syuting.

“K2”, drama yang akan ditayangkan di tvN setelah “The Good Wife”, bercerita tentang mantan tentara bayaran yang beralih profesi menjadi bodyguard, seorang istri kandidat pemilu yang menggunakan jasa bodyguard, dan seorang gadis berusia 20 tahun yang hidup terasing dari dunia luar.

Dalam drama tersebut, Ji Chang Wook akan berperan sebagai Kim Jae Ha, bodyguard elit JSS yang sebelumnya adalah tentara bayaran. Walaupun dulunya dia adalah agen yang luar biasa, dia menjadi buronan karena suatu kasus mencurigakan, dan perlahan-lahan berubah ketika dia jatuh cinta.
Ji Chang Wook mengatakan, “Kim Jae Ha adalah tokoh yang dingin dan sinis tapi dia punya pesona yang selalu membuatkan tertarik padanya. Aku mengantisipasi dan penasaran dengan hubungan yang akan tercipta dengan tokoh-tokoh lain di dalam drama.” Dia menambahkan, “Aku ingin bertemu dengan fansku yang telah menungguku untuk comeback dengan drama Korea secepat mungkin. Aku akan segera bertemu kalian semua. Aku akan bekerja keras untuk mempersiapkan diri dan kembali dengan image yang baik.”

Selain Ji Chang Wook, aktor-aktor lain seperti Lee Jung Jin, Song Yoon Ah dan Jo Sung Ha juga telah konfirmasi drama ini. Song Yoon Ah akan menjadi istri kandidat kuat pemilu yang membutuhkan jasa bodyguard Kim Jae Ha, sedangkan Jo Sung Ha akan menjadi kandidat pemilu.
Pemain drama "K2" yang telah konfirmasi. Sumber: daum
Yoona SNSD juga dikabarkan sedang mempertimbangkan kembali drama ini, setelah sebelumnya sempat menolak tawaran. Kabarnya, karena Yoona sudah tidak terikat kontrak dengan drama Cina “Santu” yang terus-menerus ditunda karena isu investor, dia akan mempertimbangkan kembali drama “K2”. Jika menerima tawaran, Yoona akan menjadi anak tersembunyi kandidat pemilu dan memiliki ibu seorang artis terkenal namun selama ini hidup terasing dari dunia luar dan menetap di Prancis, namun karena sesuatu hal dia akan kembali ke Korea dan bertemu dengan Kim Jae Ha. Jadi jika Yoona menerima tawaran drama ini otomatis dia akan dipasangkan dengan Ji Chang Wook. Hmm… penasaran kan dengan chemistry mereka berdua?

Oya kemarin salah seorang staf (action director?) memposting fotonya bersama Ji Chang Wook yang sedang mempersiapkan diri dan fisiknya untuk drama "K2". Sering-sering aja ya Ji Chang Wook perannya jadi bodyguard/atlet dan sejenisnya!

Drama tvN “K2” disutradarai oleh PD Kwak Jung Hwan yang sebelumnya pernah menyutradarai “Runaway Plan B” dan “Chuno” serta ditulis oleh Jang Hyuk Rin, penulis drama “Yongpal” dan “Reset”. Tim produksi dikabarkan akan melakukan syuting beberapa adegan di San Roque, Spanyol, mungkin sebagai pengganti Prancis, dan telah melaksanakan pembacaan naskah. “K2” akan menggantikan “The Good Wife” setiap Jumat-Sabtu mulai September mendatang!

Sumber: JCW Kitchen, Glorious Entertainment, cck192 Instagram

[NEWS] Ji Chang Wook Konfirmasi Drama “K2”?

Drama “K2” yang digadang-gadang akan menggantikan “The Good Wife” yang sedang tayang di tvN saat ini masih mengundang tanda tanya. Pasalnya belum ada kepastian siapa saja aktor yang akan bermain di dalamnya. Beberapa waktu yang lalu media-media di Korea sempat memberitakan bahwa Ji Chang Wook dan Song Yoon Ah telah meneken kontrak dengan drama ini. Namun berita selanjutnya menyebut bahwa agensi Ji Chang Wook, Glorious Entertainment, membantah kabar ini. Glorious mengungkap Ji Chang Wook masih terlibat negosiasi dan belum konfirm sepenuhnya.

“K2” bercerita tentang misi balas dendam seorang bodyguard yang terabaikan oleh negara dan kolega yang dicintainya dan seorang anak haram kandidat kuat pemilu yang menggunakan cinta untuk balas dendam. Drama ini ditulis oleh Jang Hyuk Rin, penulis “Yongpal” dan “Reset” dan disutradarai oleh PD Kwak Jung Hwan dari drama “Chuno” dan “Runaway Plan B”. HB Entertainment akan memproduksi drama ini.

Sebelumnya diberitakan Song Yoon Ah akan bermain sebagai Choi Yoo Jin, istri kandidat kuat pemilu dan putri tertua JB Grup. Ji Chang Wook akan berperan sebagai Kim Jae Ha alias K2, bodyguard spesial JSS yang direkrut Choi Yoo Jin dan akan melaksanakan misi apapun yang dibebankan kepadanya tanpa ragu. Sekilas perannya seperti gabungan Healer dan Mu Yeong dari musikal “The Days”. Sebelum menjadi bodyguard, Kim Jae Ha adalah anggota tentara bayaran elit dari perusahaan pertahanan bernama People’s Military Company (PMC), perusahaan pertahanan terbaik di dunia.
Sempat muncul berita bahwa Yoona SNSD akan mendapat peran sebagai pemeran utama wanita dan beradu akting dengan Ji Chang Wook. Namun, kabar ini dibantah dengan cepat oleh agensinya dan belum ada kabar lagi siapa yang akan menjadi lawan main Ji Chang Wook. Selain Yoona, Lee Jung Jin juga dikabarkan bergabung dengan drama “K2” dan reuni dengan PD Kwak Jung Hwan setelah bekerjasama di drama “Runaway Plan B”. Namun, belum jelas peran apa yang diambil Lee Jung Jin jika dia ikut bermain di drama ini.

Salah seorang staf hari ini mengupload foto naskah episode 1 “K2” dan syuting mungkin akan segera dimulai. Mengingat tanggal tayang kurang dari 2 bulan lagi, mari berharap semua aktor dan aktris yang dikabarkan di drama ini segera konfirmasi, termasuk Ji Chang Wook!

Sumber: JCW Kitchen, Dramabeans, llstillphotoll

[NEWS] Teaser Terbaru + Info Konferensi Pers “The Whirlwind Girl 2”

“The Whirlwind Girl 2”, drama Cina terbaru Ji Chang Wook sedang gencar-gencarnya mempromosikan diri mengingat tanggal tayangnya tinggal hitungan hari lagi. Sebelum kita melihat Ji Chang Wook di drama ini mulai 20 Juli nanti, weibo resmi milik Mango TV mengupload teaser terbaru dari drama “The Whirlwind Girl 2”!
Selain itu, weibo resmi “The Whirlwind Girl 2” juga rajin upload foto-foto terbaru dan materi promosi dari para pemain dramanya dan Ji Chang Wook tentunya. Kalian bisa cek foto-fotonya di bawah ini:
Dengan tampilnya Ji Chang Wook di drama Cina, ada kemungkinan suaranya akan didubbing karena hampir semua drama Cina mendubbing suara para aktornya. Walaupun ada kemungkinan juga kita akan melihat Ji Chang Wook sendiri berbicara dalam bahasa Cina di beberapa episode. Kita tunggu saja nanti!

Konferensi pers resmi untuk “The Whirlwind Girl 2” akan diadakan hari ini, 14 Juli 2014 jam 1 siang waktu Cina (12.00 WIB). Konferensi pers juga disiarkan melalui live streaming dari aplikasi mobile iFensi (tersedia app untuk platform iOS dan Android yang bisa didownload lewat; gunakan QR Code Reader di sisi kanan website untuk membantu dalam mendownload).
Kemarin Ji Chang Wook sendiri telah terbang dari Bandara Incheon, Korea ke Beijing, Cina untuk mengikuti konferensi pers “The Whirlwind Girl 2”. Jadi gak sabar nih melihat Ji Chang Wook di konferensi pers dan melihat aktingnya di drama terbarunya “The Whirlwind Girl 2“!

Sumber: Mango Ent weibo, JCW Kitchen, TV Daily

[NEWS] Ji Chang Wook Selesai Syuting “The Whirlwind Girl 2”, Tayang Mulai 20 Juli

Ji Chang Wook baru saja menyelesaikan syuting drama Cina terbarunya, “The Whirlwind Girl 2” pada minggu lalu, 30 Juni. Ji Chang Wook dikabarkan pergi ke Jepang selama beberapa hari bersama temannya, Kang Woo (@kangwooooo) sebelum kembali ke Korea. Setelah selesai syuting drama “The Whirlwind Girl 2” Ji Chang Wook akan kembali sibuk di Korea, mengikuti musikal “The Days” dan kemungkinan bermain drama Korea lagi (K2)!

Foto-foto, poster promosi dan foto dibalik layar telah dirilis oleh staf produksi dan para pemain selama minggu ini. CATATAN: Laman Weibo “The Whirlwind Girl 2” mengumumkan tanggal penayangan baru. “The Whirlwind Girl 2” akan dimajukan penayangannya dan mulai tayang perdana pada 20 Juli mendatang. Drama ini akan tayang setiap Rabu-Kamis pukul 22.00 (21.00 WIB) di Hunan TV.

Foto-foto dan poster promosi “The Whirlwind Girl 2” ada di bawah ini:
Relationship Chart "The Whirlwind Girl 2"

Sumber: The Whirlwind Girl weibo, JCW Kitchen, as tagged

[ARTICLE] Birthday Special: An Eternal Love for Ji Chang Wook

Ji Chang Wook is having a good ol’ happy birthday about right now. So we think why we don’t share and spread our love for Ji Chang Wook even more? It’s easy to say love, but it’s not easy to explain why, but we’ll try anyway why or how we become SO IN LOVE with Ji Chang Wook. We’ll break down about 30 reasons, because why not since it’s Ji Chang Wook’s 30th birthday and we gotta keep the theme running.

Without further ado, let us present 30 reasons we have an eternal love for Ji Chang Wook!

He is bae
We love him because he’s a bae! Sweet, charming, caring and considerate guy and we’ll run out of positive adjectives to describe this guy. And yeah, of course you can claim him as your bae or baby.
Because he’s our HEALER! No questions needed. Healer probably would be his most iconic role of all time and it’s easy to explain why. Superheroes are hardly represented in Korean dramas/movies and Healer is unlike other superhero. He has some very good skills such as climbing or jumping across rooftops but he’s not superhuman or anything, he’s not mutant and doesn’t have superpowers. He survives as Healer only because he has skills to do it, he becomes a leading professional in his area of work and he simply needs love like any other human being. Ji Chang Wook perfectly embodies all aspect in that role and even made 3 characters (Healer, Seo Jung Hoo, Park Bong Soo), technically speaking, memorable in their own. He is simply the perfect Healer!
There are many handsome actors, but only Ji Chang Wook would never bore me with his handsome features. His eyes, nose, lips (a la Taeyang’s song) are the standout features, especially his eyes! His eyes could speak on its own language apparently!
Anyone watching Ji Chang Wook in any role would agree he’s captivating enough to take your breath away. Whether in drama or movie or even in fansigning, I could hardly take my eyes off him.
He’s our Healer so it’s a given he looks cool in every way. Whether wearing t-shirt and jeans or more formal looks, he just exudes cool aura.
You’ll see a lot of his charming grin and swoony charm if you watch “Empress Ki”. His character is probably the only charming and cheeky one in sea of serious and broody characters. Swoon guaranteed!
Ji Chang Wook could turn you into a puddle of goo via one way or another. He loves to stick his tongue out when he feels shy or awkward or yeah simply because he likes it. He loves to make finger hearts or create heart shape over his head too sometimes during fanmeeting or concerts. So adorable!!
I’m totally Wookie-biased, but he’s such amazing person and actor. He manages himself well and rarely involves in scandal, the only scandals I could think is dating news but that’s just rumour so far since he never admit being in a relationship. He has many friends and still keep in touch with them. His sunbae, juniors and co-stars speak highly of him and always praise him. He also treats his fans well and often interacts with them. What’s not to love?
Great actor
Yeah what’s not to love when your favorite actor happens to be a great actor. He already showed impressive acting skills in every project and always improve himself to become better actor. Since his first lead role “Smile Donghae”, he’s grown leaps and bounds and now recognized as great actor after “Empress Ki” and “Healer”. For now Ji Chang Wook still hasn’t been at the same level with the likes of Ha Jung Woo or Hwang Jung Min, but rest assured in a few years with right projects and right roles he’ll be top actor and even the representative actor of Korea and many acting awards to match his ability.
All-round entertainer
Ji Chang Wook is the kind of person who’s eager to learn and hone his skills. He’s now into acting, singing, musical and sometimes even attempted dancing to entertain his fans. Haha. He’s versatile and talented entertainer who showcased his skills in dramas, movies, musicals and even as singer, not only in Korea but also in China.
All this talk about Ji Chang Wook won’t be complete without describing him as cute person. He loves doing cute things and it’s just impossible not to love him. Such a cutie!
Ji Chang Wook is a prankster, he loves to prank and gets away with cheeky grins afterward. You could see his natural cheeky self in BTS videos or pictures from the filming set if you need more proofs. Oh cheeky Wookie!
“The sexiest man alive” probably the right title for him. Something about him screams sexy to us! We’re bewitched by this man apparently.
When he wears a suit, he’s both dashing and dazzling! Like there’s a light brighten up his appearance. I always love when he wears a suit, looks sharp and smart! Ji Chang Wook + suit = LOVE!
Ji Chang Wook always loves sports, especially football, as he joins FC Men club with other celebrities. He also mentioned before that he likes to play basketball. He will be appear in his new C-drama "The Whirlwind Girl 2" as taekwondo coach, so there's a lot to look for. He loves work outs too and it’s pretty evident with his abs and great body. Makes me want to go to his gym and work out with him…
Ji Chang Wook is nicknamed Jinergizer because his spirited personality in the filming set according to Park Min Young. He just loves to joke around and brighten the mood and energy in the filming set apparently.
Okay, definitely we don’t know him personally but he looks like a sincere guy you’d like to hang out with because he’s sincere friend you trust and won’t betray you. In almost all of his interviews, he answers the questions with honesty and sincerity, sometimes to the point you’d wonder if it’s the real Wookie because he gives you an honest, almost surprising answer.
He turns 30 this year but he still looks in early 20s as he always has this boyish look and personality. He loves to play around, joke and sometimes doing childish act. He loves making funny faces as well on his Instagram and Weibo. Boy, does he actually grown up man or a boy in man’s clothing?
Korean people loves to give heodang nickname to everyone looking clumsy, a bit odd and easily confused in variety shows and Ji Chang Wook may take the title as well. His Running Man stint is both funny and embarrassing to watch for his fans because his image is just sooo different in Running Man than the one we’re used to. Not to mention he screams to his mom during rollercoaster ride. I’m pretty sure his mom could hear his scream all the way from Taiwan. LOL. I wish he’ll come to more variety like Happy Together or maybe King of Mask Singer? The variety show will be a joy to watch.
So far he hasn’t made any headlines for worst fashion possible so I think he definitely fashionable enough for netizens. For me he looks great with anything and could pull off any looks and fashion styles. His personal style on the other hand is just casual but still stylish enough to wear, such as t-shirt, jeans and sunglasses. He looks adorable with hair down but looks very handsome and sharp with hair up and I have no problem between two styles.
Charismatic Wookie is what made my heart thumping and skipping a beat. His charisma makes him a more compelling actor as he owns screen presence and gravitas needed for acting in dramas or movies. Oh, don’t forget his charismatic side in musicals like “Jack The Ripper” and “The Days” too, even if you only watch the videos on Youtube you could feel the outburst of charisma from Ji Chang Wook.
Ji Chang Wook rarely rests, especially these days when he’s so busy, he goes back and forth from Korea to China. He’s an actor with a project or more to look forward to every year. Since his debut he consistently appears on television every year with new drama. When he finished up a drama, he usually looking up for new projects, doing movie or musicals, being CFs model, photoshoot and interviews, and doing fanmeeting in front of fans. It’s always good when you get to see your bias in regular basis right?
Korean loves to eat but Ji Chang Wook LOVES TO EAT!! He’s gluttony Wookie as far as know due to his obsession and passion on foods. He eats many kinds of food and unsurprisingly he loves to eat rice! He could eat rice with anything apparently. For Korean food, Ji Chang Wook confessed before he loves tteokpokki, pig’s feet and noodles. While for Chinese food, Ji Chang Wook loves hot pot, lamb skewers, and Chinese bun (he tried and liked xiao long bao and vermicelli soup in Taiwan previously). At “The Whirlwind Girl 2” Fanmeeting last month he hilariously re-enacted a scene with the female lead where he courted her with food to date with him. I still pray he’ll come to “Take Care of My Fridge”, he’ll certainly devour every food presented by the chefs.
Puppy eyes
One of my friends calls him puppy because his eager personality and eyes make him look like a puppy. It maybe not entirely wrong, Wookie does have puppy eyes and his free-spirited personality just adds a dash of inner puppy side (yeah well we make up that one).
His smile
His smile is sunshine! It’s filled with rainbows, unicorns, maybe kittens and puppies too. A whole universe will be a lot brighter with his smile alone.
His laugh
If his smile is sunshine, then his laugh is the sun itself. When you find him laughing out loud, somehow you’ll laugh too. At him. With him. He doesn’t hold back when he laughs and I find it so refreshing having an entertainer with a roaring and infectious laughs. Laugh as you want, Wookie!
His cry
Apparently one of the first reasons I stan Ji Chang Wook is because he cries, and he cries sorrowfully he makes me cry too. Such a strange reason eh? But maybe similar to his smile and laugh that is infectious, I’m infected and affected by the way Ji Chang Wook cries. I just know when an actor successfully makes me cry, it means I care a lot about his character and he successfully conveys the emotion to me. Because almost of his works would feature him crying (sometimes crying in every episode or so) I get plenty opportunity to observe this and would cry alongside his characters too. Crybaby eh?
He never even once flaunts his wealth, house, cars, or other luxury items although I’m pretty sure he’s rolling in cash from starring in hit dramas, musicals and CFs model. He never show up in luxury cars either, usually only pictured in his vespa during his trip with his friends or a van used to drive him to shooting location. He even got in the news few years ago because he spotted riding subway with his manager. He mostly wear local brands or brands he endorsed, sometimes he even wear same fashion items like hats or bracelets over and over again. He probably would be your usual neighborhood friend if he’s not a top star.
His passion for his craft
Whether it's acting or singing, he's very passionate on things he would like to do. When he's cast in Chinese dramas back to back and mostly active in China, he learns Chinese and as a result he could communicate with his Chinese fans in Weibo. He would  also learn any skills needed for the character to came alive, he learned martial arts when he filmed Warrior Baek Dong Soo, Healer and The Whirlwind Girl 2, he learned ice-skating for Smile Donghae and he learned how to play a piano when filmed Five Fingers. He's also not afraid to change his looks, to increase or decrease his weight for a role. His dedication is no joke!
Sexy, Free and Single
Last but not least, borrowing Super Junior’s song, he’s still sexy, free and single! Not that we would abandon him once he date or marry someone but for now he’s still everyone’s man and every woman’s dream. ‘Cause girls can dream surely. Till he gets caught dating or announce his relationship everyone could claim this man.. Ahahaha. But don’t worries Wookie we will support you as always even if you date someone in the future. You’re in your 30! In our country you’d probably would have married and had little babies already. Hehehe.

Happy Birthday to you.. We’ve shown you 30 reasons why we love you. Come to Indonesia and discover more reasons why we’ll always love you!

Once again Happy Birthday to Ji Chang Wook!

Photo credits: as tagged, logo
