Thursday, March 13, 2025









Posted by: Unknown Posted date: 8:07 AM / comment : 2


We are collecting evidence to convince Glorious ent. to allow more open access to JCW's contents. Currently, Glorious ent. has delegated all authorities to Dayrock (the official fan cafe of JCW) to administer such contents, including behind the scenes pictures and videos from dramas, fan meetings, and other official events.

Due to exclusive and discriminative administration of Dayrock, we've noticed that many international fans are having difficulties in accessing these contents.

We've established that that Dayrock's monopoly of JCW's contents is unfair and must be reformed - not just for the fans, but also to assist JCW's growing popularity in overseas.

Therefore, we're trying to gather many cases where you've actually had trouble becoming a member of Dayrock in order to persuade Glorious ent. to make the changes.

We need your help to make this happen, and every little piece of information would be greatly appreciated. Although it's not mandatory, if you can provide ANY physical proofs (screenshots most likely) to add on to your story, that would be even better and is actually preferred. Even if you don't have physical proofs, please don't hesitate to write to us because your words matter.

If you have further questions, please feel free to ask, and we are looking forward to your participation.


***Please fill out the form below:***

1.Which country are you from?
2.Were you aware of the existence of Dayrock, the official fan cafe of JCW?
3.Have you ever tried to register or sign up to become a member of Dayrock?
4.If you did not succeed with the registration, what are some reasons that prevented you from becoming a member?
5.Please explain the time you felt like you have been unfairly treated or discriminated as an international fan. Be sure to provide physical proofs (i.e. screenshots) if you have any.

(You may leave your answers transparently on this page in the comment box or send us an e-mail at

+) You may repost this on your sns, private blogs, soompi, and other web sites.

About Unknown

Ji Chang wook's fan from Indonesia. Loves to talk about anything and everything, so if you want to chat with me, just contact me.
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  1. 1.come from Taiwan.
    2.yes, I know.
    5.between Korea fans and Taiwan fans had used for JCW pictures cause unpleasant event.
    So,my issue is...How to use JCW pictures?

    Although reasonable use of the pictures doesn't infringe of the legal rights,but most fans don't know the rule.
    Maybe Glorious ent will open a platform and collect JCW pictures that allows fans to safe use it??
    I don't know how about this method?
    In order not to occur between fans unhappy,I just hope to safely use JCW pictures.
    above a small message.
    provided for your reference.
    Thank you.

  2. 1.Which country are you from? Indonesia
    2.Were you aware of the existence of Dayrock, the official fan cafe of JCW? Yes
    3.Have you ever tried to register or sign up to become a member of Dayrock? No.
    4.If you did not succeed with the registration, what are some reasons that prevented you from becoming a member?
    5.Please explain the time you felt like you have been unfairly treated or discriminated as an international fan. Be sure to provide physical proofs (i.e. screenshots) if you have any. I think there is none.

    Thank you..
