[NEWS] Ji Chang Wook To Headline New Movie “Modified City”
Tweet Posted by: Unknown Posted date: 8:56 PM /A (supposedly) new project for Ji Chang Wook!! And a movie to top it off!
Actor Ji Chang-wook is set to head for the big screen for the first time since his debut, according to sources on Monday.
According to affiliates of the movie industry, Ji Chang Wook has decided to appear in director Park Kwang Hyun′s new project, “Modified City/Fabricated City” (working title) and is going into the contract negotiation phase.
One affiliate told Newsen on March 9, "Ji Chang Wook currently has the contract for “Modified City” right in front of him. The details are going through final tuning."
“Modified City” is a project which was known by its previous title, “Sculptured Man”. With the postponement of Fist Fighting (translated), Park Kwang Hyun will begin filming for “Modified City” first. Park Kwang Hyun is known for his previous works, "Welcome to Dongmakgol" and "No Comment Family".
In this movie, Ji Chang Wook will star as the character Nam Oh, who is a jobless game addict, who somehow gets entangled in a sexualt assault charges. It will be the story of a revenge from a man who was unfairly labeled as criminal.
If Ji Chang Wook is confirmed for this movie, it will be his first lead role in a commercial film. He has starred in various dramas, such as "My Too Perfect Sons", "Warrior Baek Dong-Soo", "Hero", "Smile Again", "Bachelor′s Vegetable Store", "Empress Ki" and the recently concluded "Healer".
Ji Chang Wook has appeared briefly in the films "Death Bell 2: Bloody Camp", "Sleeping Beauty", and "How to Use Guys with Secret Tips" as supporting roles and special cameo appearances. “Modified City” may be the stepping stone to lead roles in the film industry.
The actor’s agency Glorious Entertainment, however, was cautious in commenting.
“It is true that we are positively reviewing the film but nothing has been confirmed yet,” the agency’s spokesperson said on Monday.
“Modified City” is searching for supporting actors to begin filming in the first half of 2015.
Bahasa Indonesia:
Aktor Ji Chang Wook akan membintangi film layar lebar untuk pertama kali sejak debutnya, menurut berita pada Senin (9/3).
Menurut sumber dari industri perfilman, Ji Chang Wook memutuskan untuk tampil di proyek terbaru sutradara Park Kwang Hyun yang berjudul “Modified City/Fabricated City” dan sedang dalam tahap negosiasi.
Seorang sumber mengatakan kepada Newsen pada 9 Maret, “Ji Chang Wook saat ini mendapat kontrak untuk “Modified City” di depannya. Detailnya masih dalam proses finalisasi.”
“Modified City” adalah proyek yang sebelumnya dikenal dengan judul “Sculptured Man”. Dengan adanya penundaan film “Fist Fighting”, Park Kwang Hyun akan memulai syuting “Modified City” terlebih dahulu. Park Kwang Hyun dikenal karena proyek-proyeknya yang sebelumnya, seperti “Welcome to Dongmakgol” dan “No Comment Family”.
Di film ini, Ji Chang Wook akan bermain sebagai tokoh Nam Oh, pengangguran pecandu game yang entah bagaimana terlibat dalam kasus pelecehan seksual/pemerkosaan. Film ini akan berkisah tentang misi balas dendam seorang pria tak bersalah yang menjadi kriminal.
Jika Ji Chang Wook mengkonfirmasi film ini, itu akan menjadi peran utama pertamanya di film komersial. Dia sudah membintangi berbagai macam drama, seperti “My Too Perfect Sons”, “Warrior Baek Dong Soo”, “Hero”, “Smile Again”, “Bachelor′s Vegetable Store”, “Empress Ki” dan yang baru saja selesai tayang “Healer”.
Ji Chang Wook tampil sebagai pemeran pendukung di film “Death Bell 2: Bloody Camp”, “Sleeping Beauty”, dan “How to Use Guys with Secret Tips” sebagai cameo. “Modified City” mungkin akan menjadi batu loncatannya untuk peran-peran utama di industri film.
Namun hingga saat ini agensi Ji Chang Wook, Glorious Entertainment, masih berhati-hati dalam memberikan komentar.
“Benar bahwa kami sedang mempertimbangkan film itu dengan positif tetapi masih belum ada yang dikonfirmasi,” juru bicara agensi mengatakan pada Senin.
“Modified City” sedang mencari aktor pendukung untuk memulai syuting di pertengahan awal 2015.
Ji Chang Wook bermain film? Dan jadi pecandu game yang dituduh pemerkosaan? Pasti seru dan keren ya! Bagaimana pendapat kalian?
Sumber: mwave, Kpop Herald

setelah nonton Healer, suka dgn aksi ji chang wook. pokoknya daebak.... (y). ditunggu aksi selanjutnya...